Attainment of the ultimate goal of achieving the Highest Level of Consciousness can only be reached through the discipleship of The Seven Immortals. The immaterial bequests of the Immortals are essential virtues for living in peace, harmony and balance for all mankind. These virtues are given by the grace of the Immortals, and cannot be bought by any worldly riches.
La meta final es alcanzar el Máximo Nivel de Conciencia, que sólo puede ser alcanzado a través del discipulado de Los Siete Inmortales. Los legados inmateriales de los Inmortales son virtudes esenciales para vivir en paz, armonía y equilibrio para toda la humanidad. Estas virtudes son dadas por la gracia de los Inmortales, y no pueden ser compradas por ninguna riqueza mundana.
Attainment of the ultimate goal of achieving the Highest Level of Consciousness can only be reached through the discipleship of The Seven Immortals. The immaterial bequests of the Immortals are essential virtues for living in peace, harmony and balance for all mankind. These virtues are given by the grace of the Immortals, and cannot be bought by any worldly riches.
Meiyo (名誉)

Meiyo (名誉)

Immortal Honor

A disciple of Meiyo, the Immortal Honor is one who is a keen follower of the twin virtues Respect and Reverence. He recognizes that esteem is currency earned and given away based on pure merit, and as easy it is to gain, it is fleeting and fickle when unguarded.

Un discípulo de Meiyo, el Inmortal de Honor, es un seguidor fiel de las virtudes gemelas Respeto y Reverencia. Reconoce que la estima es una moneda que se gana y también se da tomando en cuenta el mérito puro de cada quien; y tan fácil es ganarla, como perderla cuando no se defiende.

A disciple of Meiyo, the Immortal Honor is one who is a keen follower of the twin virtues Respect and Reverence. He recognizes that esteem is currency earned and given away based on pure merit, and as easy it is to gain, it is fleeting and fickle when unguarded.

Gi (ギ)

Gi (ギ)

Immortal Justice

From Gi, the Immortal Justice, is the gift of discernment; the unwavering power to choose good over evil, fairness over oppression, and the rule of reason over impulses. To deserve the gift of Justice, one is expected to be fair, conscientious and unbiased. Justice is blind to status, color, and material wealth.

Desde Gi, el Inmortal de la Justicia, es el don del discernimiento; el inquebrantable poder de elegir el bien sobre el mal, la imparcialidad sobre la opresión y el imperio de la razón sobre los impulsos. Para merecer el don de la Justicia, se espera que seas justo, con conciencia e imparcial. La justicia es ciega para el estado, el color y la riqueza material.

From Gi, the Immortal Justice, is the gift of discernment; the unwavering power to choose good over evil, fairness over oppression, and the rule of reason over impulses. To deserve the gift of Justice, one is expected to be fair, conscientious and unbiased. Justice is blind to status, color, and material wealth.

Chuugi (レイ)

Chuugi (レイ)

Immortal Loyalty

Those who aspire to be under the tutelage of Chuugi, the Immortal Loyalty, must swear an oath to stay faithful and true; to be unrelentingly dependable and to be willing to weather any storm in the name of service, brotherhood, amity, and family.

Aquellos que aspiran a estar bajo el amparo de Chuugi, el Inmortal de Lealtad, deben jurar que permanecerán siempre fieles, siendo confiables de forma incondicional y estar dispuestos a resistir cualquier dificultad en nombre de la servicialidad, la hermandad, la amistad y la familia.

Those who aspire to be under the tutelage of Chuugi, the Immortal Loyalty, must swear an oath to stay faithful and true; to be unrelentingly dependable and to be willing to weather any storm in the name of service, brotherhood, amity, and family.

Shin (新)

Shin (新)

Immortal Sincerity

For the disciples of Shin, the Immortal Sincerity, one’s word is a blood compact, and the regard for truth and integrity is its highest expression. Sincerity is the end and beginning of all things.

Para los discípulos de Shin, el Inmortal de Sinceridad, la palabra es un pacto de sangre, y la verdad y la integridad su máxima expresión. La sinceridad es el fin y el principio de todas las cosas.

For the disciples of Shin, the Immortal Sincerity, one’s word is a blood compact, and the regard for truth and integrity is its highest expression. Sincerity is the end and beginning of all things.

Guro (グロ)

Guro (グロ)

Immortal Wisdom

The test of true discipleship to Guro, the Immortal Wisdom is not in how much one knows about the world, but how he is able to use this to bring good to others. Sharp wit and intellect is a primal, unbridled beast with an equal propensity for both destruction and growth.

La prueba del verdadero discipulado de Guro, el Inmortal de Sabiduría, no está en cuánto se sabe acerca del mundo, sino cómo usar ese conocimiento para ayudar a otros. El ingenio y el intelecto son cosas fundamentales, las cuales como bestia desenfrenada, están propensas tanto a la destrucción como al crecimiento.

The test of true discipleship to Guro, the Immortal Wisdom is not in how much one knows about the world, but how he is able to use this to bring good to others. Sharp wit and intellect is a primal, unbridled beast with an equal propensity for both destruction and growth.

Yin (陰)

Yin (陰)

Immortal Compassion

The ability to put oneself in the shoes of others, and to think about their plight is one of the things that Yin, the Immortal Compassion is looking for in her disciples. Compassionate people have a heart of gold, and are kind beyond compare.

La capacidad de ponerse a sí mismo en los zapatos de los demás, y de pensar en su difícil situación es una de las cosas que Yin, el Inmortal de Compasión está buscando en sus discípulos. Las personas compasivas tienen un corazón de oro, y son amables sin comparación.

The ability to put oneself in the shoes of others, and to think about their plight is one of the things that Yin, the Immortal Compassion is looking for in her disciples. Compassionate people have a heart of gold, and are kind beyond compare.

Yuu (ゆう)

Yuu (ゆう)

Immortal Courage

When one receives a gift from Yuu, the Immortal Courage, he is deemed deserving due to his boldness and his trust in his own strengths. Courage is a gift best put to use when one’s odds are low and there is threat of pain, agony and failure.

Cuando uno recibe un regalo de Yuu, el Inmortal de Coraje, es porque te ha considerado como un digno merecedor de ello, debido a tu audacia y tu confianza en tus propias fuerzas. El Coraje es un regalo que es mejor ponerlo en práctica cuando las propias probabilidades son bajas y hay amenaza de dolor, agonía y fracaso.

When one receives a gift from Yuu, the Immortal Courage, he is deemed deserving due to his boldness and his trust in his own strengths. Courage is a gift best put to use when one’s odds are low and there is threat of pain, agony and failure.